B.Tech Data Science Engineering from Kalinga University

B.Tech. (Data Science Engineering) Courses, Eligibility, Admissions, Syllabus, Frequently asked Questions.

Overview and About the B.Tech. in Data Science Engineering Course:

A 4-year undergraduate programme called the B.Tech in Data Science and Engineering is organised into 8 semesters. It examines how information is released from the massive amount of data stored in an organization’s repository. The goal of data science engineers is to get valuable insights from unprocessed and raw data. They use coding, analytical, and business abilities to process this data. The gathered data is applied to the resolution of challenging analytical issues. In order to execute complicated analyses of data, data must first be cleaned, collected, and modified. This process is known as data science engineering.

The curriculum is intended to help students improve their modelling and analytical abilities in practical data analytics. Applicants will also learn how to use cutting-edge tools and methods to evaluate data from the actual world and discover relevant information. They will be successful data scientists thanks to these abilities.

The field of B.Tech. CSE in Data Science is expanding quickly. The course teaches students how to use scientific and engineering methods to solve real-world issues via the use of mathematics and computer technology.

The programme also emphasises teaching students how to visualise and analyse data. The ability to use these tools to visualise, evaluate, and design solutions using the proper software will be taught to applicants.

All applicants must possess the aforementioned qualifications in order to be eligible to pursue a B.Tech in Data Science engineering at any college in India. For data science engineering, each college has its own set of requirements. Colleges also provide scholarships to a few chosen applicants.

Why to do the course?

  • Students who complete this course are well-equipped to compete in the employment market. Several of their former employees currently have positions in prestigious analytics firms. Also, the course provides merit-based scholarships and other incentives. The decision to pursue a B.Tech. in this area has several advantages.
  • gives you knowledge and abilities in both computer-related technology areas and the data sciences.
  • The training is widely recognised and in high demand worldwide in industrial domains.
  • Depending on the expertise and talents you possess, you may be able to secure an excellent remuneration package or a boost in pay.
  • Students who complete the curriculum will be well-versed in fundamental computer science principles. Students learn how to model and evaluate real-world issues as part of the programme. It attempts to improve students’ abilities in communication, critical thinking, visualisation, programming, statistics, and mathematical reasoning.

Eligibility Criteria Required for the Course B.Tech. in Data Science Engineering:

  • A minimum of 55% must be obtained in the higher secondary board test by the pupils.
  • For lateral entrance students, a three-year diploma from an accredited board in a relevant topic is required.
  • The reservation category has a different eligibility standard. They receive some marks that are relaxed.
  • If they want to be considered for the admissions process, all applicants must achieve the entrance exam cut-off.
  • Candidates must pass the 12th exam or an equivalent from a reputable board with PCM as their primary subjects.

Highlights of the B.Tech. in Data Sience Engineering Course:

Full name of the course

Bachelor of Technology in Data Science Engineering

Duration of the course

4 years

Type of the course


Examination Mode

Semester Based

Eligibility Criteria

Also, candidates must have received a minimum of 50 to 70 percent on their preceding exams.

Admission Process

Entrance/ Merit Based

Course Fee

INR 1 lakh to 5 lakhs

Top Recruiting Companies

A few examples are Amazon, Capgemini, Wipro, Infosys, TCS, IBM, HCL, Quick Heal, and SYNTEL.

Job Roles

professions such as database administrators, clinical and pharmaceutical data analysts, financial modellers, data engineers, and data architects.

Top Colleges for the course, B.Tech. in Data Science Engineering:

Check out the list of top colleges given below for doing the course, B.Tech. in Data Science Engineering.


College Name


MIT Manipal – Manipal Institute of Technology


Manipal University, Jaipur


Sathyabama University – Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology


GVPCE Visakhapatnam – Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering


MPSTME Mumbai – Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering


Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai


DSU Bangalore – Dayananda Sagar University


Haldia Institute of Technology (HIT) Haldia – Haldia Institute of Technology


GEC Thrissur – Government Engineering College


VNR VJIET Hyderabad – VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology

Admission Process for the B.Tech. in Data Science Engineering course:

  • For admission to this degree, the combined scores from the 10+2 and JEE Advanced exams are taken into account.
  • After passing the admission exam, the student moves on to the selection process, which includes a group discussion round and a round of individual interviews.
  • Those with a diploma in electronics and communication are also eligible for the BTech Data Science Engineering program’s Lateral Entry admission.

Syllabus to be Study in the duration of the course B.Tech in Data Science Engineering Course:

In First Year:

·      Computing and Data Science

·      Electrical Systems Around Us Lab

·      Reverse Engineering

·      Engineering Mathematics

·      Electrical Systems Around Us

·      Graphics for design

·      HSS Course: Creative Understanding

In Second Semester:

·      Data Science 2

·      Applied Electronics Lab

·      Product Realization Technology

·      Language Basket Course

·      Linear Algebra

·      Applied Electronics

·      Engineering Thermodynamics

·      Product Realization Technology Lab


In Third Semester:

·      Data handling and visualization

·      Data Science 3 + Lab

·      HSS Course

·      Mechanics of Particles and Waves

·      Mathematical Foundations of Data Science I

·      Signals and Systems


In Fourth Semester:

·      Foundations of Electrodynamics

·      Continuum Mechanics

·      Introduction to Data structures and Algorithms

·      Materials Science for Engineers

·      Physics Practicum

·      Design Practicum

·      Statistical Foundations of Data Science


In Fifth Semester:

·      Understanding Biotechnology & Its Applications

·      Chemistry Practicum

·      Mathematical Foundations of Data Science II

·      Mechanics of Rigid Bodies

·      Applied Chemistry for Engineers

·      Matrix Computations for Data Science

·      Information Security and Privacy


In Sixth Semester:

·      Computing Systems for Data Processing

·      Discipline elective

·      Open Elective

·      Introduction to Statistical Learning

·      Optimization for Data Science

·      Discipline elective


In Seventh Semester:

·      Discipline elective

·      Open Elective

·      MTP-I

·      Discipline elective

·      Open Elective

·      Open Elective


In Eighth Semester:

·      Open Elective

·      MTP-II

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question. Can a candidate pursue a BTech in data science online?
Answer. There is currently no option for getting a BTech in data science via distant learning.

Question. BTech Data Science: What is it?
Answer. You may learn more about computer technology and data science by taking the BTech Data Science programme.

Question. Can a student who has completed a BTech programme pursue data science?
Answer. True, one may study data science after completing a BTech programme, but with this programme, you can complete both of those programmes in a total of four years.

Question. B.Tech. in Data Science and Engineering: What is It?
Answer. A 4-year undergraduate programme called the B.Tech in Data Science and Engineering is organised into 8 semesters. It examines how information is released from the massive amount of data stored in an organization’s repository.

Question. What can be the expected salary after completing the course?
Answer. The expected salary after completing the course can be in between 3 lakhs to 7 lakhs per annum.